Duyfken 1606 Replica Foundation

Welcome to the official Duyfken 1606 Replica Foundation Fan Page. Use this page to keep in touch with us. Become a fan, follow our blogs and tell all your friends. Full history of the replica and the original ship on our website www.duyfken.com.

Welcome to the home of Australia's first ship, Duyfken.

The Duyfken replica has been acclaimed around the world as the finest "Age of Discovery" replica ship ever built. The Duyfken 1606 Replica Foundation was formed in 1993 to build the ship and after the first sail in 2000 the ship has sailed the world's oceans.

Enjoy the Duyfken story which is still being told.

You have probably read that Duyfken is about to return to Fremantle. Thanks to the support of the Western Australian Government the Little Dove will be home-ported here for the next 10 years.

Duyfken is now off the North West Coast and our excellent crew is sailing her south after beginning the return voyage in Sydney earlier this year and sailing over the top.

We are planning for Duyfken to once again become an important part of the local community and we’ll have the ship on exhibition and open for school visits. We’ll also be conducting day sails. In the longer term, we are excited by events such as the 400th anniversary of Hartog’s voyage in 2016.

The Duyfken 1606 Replica Foundation is a charitable organisation. While the State Government support is vital, we also need to generate our own funds to keep the ship in tip-top sailing condition. Duyfken is more than a decade old and maintenance is a constant challenge and expensive.

We are revitalising the Friends of the Duyfken and the Friends will become the central organisation for regular social functions and for our very important volunteer guides, shipkeepers and crew.

There are many ways you can help Duyfken. Firstly, by joining the Friends of the Duyfken, and then through the Friends, becoming a volunteer. Our aim is that everyone who is involved with Duyfken is a Friend of the Duyfken who can contribute skills to the Foundation or simply show support by participating in social functions. Either way, we value your support and your membership will help us keep Duyfken afloat.

You are able to become a Friend of the Duyfken by going to www.duyfken.com and clicking through from the home page. You can also nominate how you would like to help Duyfken on this page. This is the first major update of the Duyfken website for a decade and it will be fine-tuned in the coming weeks, please email Mark at marketing@duyfken.com if you have any suggestions.

Thank you for your past support and I appreciate any future support you can provide. Please feel free to forward this email to anyone you know who has been a part of Duyfken in the past, or may wish to be a part of Duyfken’s future.

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